
EvoBee simulation configuration and execution

Basic usage

When the program has been successfully compiled, the executable file named evobee can be found in the build directory.

The evobee executable accepts a small number of command-line arguments. To query what these are, run the command

> ./evobee --help

This output should look like this:

Generic options:

-v [ –version ] -> display program version number -h [ –help ] -> display this help message -c [ –config ] arg (=evobee.cfg.json) -> configuration file -q [ –quiet ] -> disable verbose progress messages on stdout -t [ –test ] arg (=0) -> Perform test number N instead of regular run

The final option, -t, is used to perform various tests on the code rather than a regular run. There are currently two tests defined: 1=MarkerPointSimilarityTest and 2=MatchConfidenceTest. For more information on these tests see the EvoBeeExperiment.cpp file, which calls the tests from the method EvoBeeExperiment::run().

The vast majority of configuration options for the program are set using a configuration file rather than the command line. As shown in the output above, the default filename that evobee searches for is evobee.cfg.json, and it only searches in the current working directory. To specify a different name and location, use the -c flag when calling the program. For example:

> ./evobee -c /home/me/my-config-file.cfg.json

The format of the configuration file and the options that can be specified within it are explained in the following sections.

Configuration file format

EvoBee configuration files are specified in JSON format. These follow a hierarchical structure with the following outline:

    "SimulationParams" : {
        # general params for stopping criteria, logging,
        # visualisation, etc
    "Environment" : {
        # configuration of environment size, density
        # parameters, and other global specs, followed by:
        "Hives" : {
            # specification of one or more "Hive" section
            # detailing hive position, pollinator type,
            # initial foraging area, etc.
        "PlantTypeDistributions" : {
            # specification of one or more "PlantTypeDistribution"
            # sections detailing species of plant, its initial
            # distribution area and related parameters. Note that
            # multiple PlantTypeDistributions can overlap in
            # their specified areas. Alternatively, rather than
            # explicity defining PlantTypeDistribution areas, this
            # section can specify "auto-distribs : true" and use
            # the related parameters to have EvoBee automatically
            # distribute the plants described in the "PlantTypes"
            # section across the environment in the requested way.
    "PlantTypes" : {
        # specification of one or more "PlantType" to be used
        # in the simulation. These types are referred to in the
        # "PlantTypeDistributions" section above
    "Pollinators" : {
        # specification of one or more "Pollinator" to to used
        # in the simulation. These are referred to in the
        # "Hives" section above

Two sample configuration files are provided in the root directory of the source code. These are named evobee.cfg.json and evobee-test-simple.cfg.json. These two files demonstrate different aspects of system configuration, and it is recommended to study both of them.

These files are shown below, followed by the Configuration options section which gives further details of each available configuration option.

evobee.cfg.json sample configuration file

    "SimulationParams" : {
        "generation-termination-type" : "pollinated-fraction-all",
        "generation-termination-param" : 0.5,
        "sim-termination-num-gens" : 1,
        "rng-seed" : "",
        "visualisation" : true,
        "vis-update-period" : 1,
        "vis-delay-per-frame" : 0,
        "vis-pollinator-trails" : true,
        "vis-max-screen-frac-w" : 0.85,
        "vis-max-screen-frac-h" : 0.85,
        "logging" : true,
        "log-flags" : "f",
        "log-update-period" : 5,
        "log-dir" : "output",
        "log-final-dir" : "",
        "log-run-name" : "auto-distribs-test",
        "verbose" : false
    "Environment" : {
        "env-size-x" : 200,
        "env-size-y" : 200,
        "background-reflectance-mp" : 500,
        "default-ambient-temp": 20.0,
        "repro-global-density-constrained" : true,
        "repro-global-density-max" : 0.4,
        "Hives" : {
            "Hive1" : {
                "pollinator-type" : "HoneyBee",
                "pollinator-number" : 400,
                "start-from-hive" : false,
                "pos-x" : 99,
                "pos-y" : 99,
                "area-top-left-x" : 0,
                "area-top-left-y" : 0,
                "area-bottom-right-x" : 199,
                "area-bottom-right-y" : 199,
                "migration-allowed" : true,
                "migration-restricted" : false,
                "migration-prob" : 0.5
        "PlantTypeDistributions" : {
            "auto-distribs" : true,
            "auto-distrib-num-rows" : 10,
            "auto-distrib-num-cols" : 10,
            "auto-distrib-area-margin" : 0.0,
            "auto-distrib-density" : 0.5,
            "auto-distrib-regular" : true
    "PlantTypes" : {
        "PlantType1" : {
            "species" : "PlantSpecies1",
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-min" : 380,
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-max" : 380,
            "anther-init-pollen" : 100,
            "anther-pollen-transfer-per-visit" : 10,
            "stigma-max-pollen-capacity" : 5,
            "pollen-clogging" : "",
            "repro-seed-dispersal-global" : true
        "PlantType2" : {
            "species" : "PlantSpecies2",
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-min" : 480,
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-max" : 480,
            "anther-init-pollen" : 100,
            "anther-pollen-transfer-per-visit" : 10,
            "stigma-max-pollen-capacity" : 5,
            "pollen-clogging" : "",
            "repro-seed-dispersal-global" : true
    "Pollinators" : {
        "Pollinator1" : {
            "species" : "HoneyBee",
            "bout-length" : 100,
            "max-pollen-capacity" : 0,
            "pollen-deposit-per-flower-visit" : 3,
            "pollen-loss-in-air" : 0,
            "pollen-carryover-num-visits" : 100,
            "constancy-type" : "none",
            "foraging-strategy" : "nearest-flower",
            "visited-flower-memory-size" : 5

evobee-test-simple.cfg.json sample configuration file

    "SimulationParams" : {
        "generation-termination-type" : "num-sim-steps",
        "comment1" : "[num-sim-steps|pollinated-fraction|<num-pollinator-steps>]",
        "generation-termination-param" : 50,
        "sim-termination-num-gens" : 50,
        "rng-seed" : "",
        "visualisation" : false,
        "vis-update-period" : 100,
        "vis-delay-per-frame" : 0,
        "vis-pollinator-trails" : true,
        "vis-max-screen-frac-w" : 0.85,
        "vis-max-screen-frac-h" : 0.85,
        "logging" : true,
        "log-flags" : "f",
        "comment-log-flags-1" : "P: all pollinator positions every log-update-period steps",
        "comment-log-fiags-2" : "p: summary pollinator stats at end of each foraging phase",
        "comment-log-flags-3" : "F: all flowers at end of each foraging phase",
        "comment-log-flags-4" : "f: summary flower stats at end of each foraging phase",
        "log-update-period" : 5,
        "log-dir" : "output/test",
        "log-run-name" : "simple",
        "verbose" : true
    "Environment" : {
        "env-size-x" : 100,
        "env-size-y" : 100,
        "background-reflectance-mp" : 500,
        "default-ambient-temp": 20.0,
        "repro-global-density-constrained" : true,
        "repro-global-density-max" : 0.2,
        "Hives" : {
            "Hive1" : {
                "pollinator-type" : "HoneyBee",
                "pollinator-number" : 100,
                "start-from-hive" : false,
                "pos-x" : 49,
                "pos-y" : 49,
                "area-top-left-x" : 0,
                "area-top-left-y" : 0,
                "area-bottom-right-x" : 99,
                "area-bottom-right-y" : 99,
                "migration-allowed" : true,
                "migration-restricted" : false,
                "migration-prob" : 0.5
        "PlantTypeDistributions" : {
            "PlantTypeDistribution1" : {
                "species" : "PlantSpecies1",
                "area-top-left-x" : 0,
                "area-top-left-y" : 0,
                "area-bottom-right-x" : 99,
                "area-bottom-right-y" : 99,
                "density" : 0.5,
                "refuge" : false,
                "seed-outflow-allowed" : true,
                "seed-outflow-restricted" : false,
                "seed-outflow-prob" : 0.5,
                "repro-local-density-constrained" : false,
                "repro-local-density-max" : 0.2
            "PlantTypeDistribution2" : {
                "species" : "PlantSpecies2",
                "area-top-left-x" : 0,
                "area-top-left-y" : 0,
                "area-bottom-right-x" : 99,
                "area-bottom-right-y" : 99,
                "density" : 0.5,
                "refuge" : false,
                "seed-outflow-allowed" : true,
                "seed-outflow-restricted" : false,
                "seed-outflow-prob" : 0.5,
                "repro-local-density-constrained" : false,
                "repro-local-density-max" : 0.2
    "PlantTypes" : {
        "PlantType1" : {
            "species" : "PlantSpecies1",
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-min" : 360,
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-max" : 430,
            "anther-init-pollen" : 100,
            "anther-pollen-transfer-per-visit" : 10,
            "stigma-max-pollen-capacity" : 5,
            "pollen-clogging" : "",
            "repro-seed-dispersal-global" : true,
            "comment0" : "items below this line in PlantType not currently used",
            "comment1" : "plus replenish rate for all of these things - ",
            "comment2" : "if second bee visits, does it get the same reward or none;",
            "comment3" : "replenish, instant or n per timestep",
            "comment4" : "flower handling time; self-pollination allowed"
        "PlantType2" : {
            "species" : "PlantSpecies2",
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-min" : 431,
            "flower-reflectance-mp-init-max" : 500,
            "anther-init-pollen" : 100,
            "anther-pollen-transfer-per-visit" : 10,
            "stigma-max-pollen-capacity" : 5,
            "pollen-clogging" : "",
            "repro-seed-dispersal-global" : true
    "Pollinators" : {
        "Pollinator1" : {
            "species" : "HoneyBee",
            "bout-length" : 100,
            "max-pollen-capacity" : 0,
            "pollen-deposit-per-flower-visit" : 3,
            "pollen-loss-in-air" : 0,
            "pollen-carryover-num-visits" : 100,
            "constancy-type" : "simple",
            "constancy-param" : 1.0,
            "foraging-strategy" : "nearest-flower",
            "visited-flower-memory-size" : 20

Configuration options

The following table describes each parameter that can be specified in the configuration file. Parameters are read in from the configuration file and parsed by code in source file evobee.cpp. They are then stored in a static instance of the ModelParams class. See comments in the files evobee.cpp and ModelParams.h for further details of each parameter and the allowed values for each one.

General parameters

Parameter name in JSON config file Corresponding variable name in ModelParams.h Type of variable Description
visualisation m_bVisualisation bool Use visualisation for this run?
env-size-x m_iEnvSizeX int Environment size (num patches) in x direction
env-size-y m_iEnvSizeY int Environment size (num patches) in y direction
vis-max-screen-frac-w m_fMaxScreenFracW float Max fraction of screen size for vis window width
vis-max-screen-frac-h m_fMaxScreenFracH float Max fraction of screen size for vis window height
default-ambient-temp m_fEnvDefaultAmbientTemp float Default ambient temperature for all Patches (in Celsius)
background-reflectance-mp m_EnvBackgroundReflectanceMP MarkerPoint Default background reflectance Marker Point for each Patch
repro-global-density-constrained m_bReproGlobalDensityContrained bool During a reproduction cycle, is global plant density constrained?
repro-global-density-max m_fReproGlobalDensityMax float If m_bReproGlobalDensityContrained, what is the maximum allowed density?
vis-pollinator-trails m_bVisPollinatorTrails bool Display trails of pollinators’ past movements?
vis-update-period m_iVisUpdatePeriod int Number of model steps between each update of visualisation
vis-delay-per-frame m_iVisDelayPerFrame int Specifies a delay (in ms) per frame of the visualisation code
logging m_bLogging bool Is logging required for this run?
log-flags m_bLogPollinatorsIntraPhaseFull, m_bLogPollinatorsInterPhaseFull, m_bLogPollinatorsInterPhaseSummary, m_bLogFlowersInterPhaseFull, m_bLogFlowersInterPhaseSummary, m_bLogFlowersIntraPhaseFull, m_bLogFlowersIntraPhaseSummary, m_bLogFlowerMPsInterPhaseSummary, m_bLogFlowerInfoInterPhaseSummary std::string Flags to control logging functionality. Any combination of the following flags may be listed in the string, no separator is required: Q=PollinatorsIntraPhaseFull, P=PollinatorsInterPhaseFull, p=PollinatorsInterPhaseSummary, F=FlowersInterPhaseFull, f=FlowersInterPhaseSummary, G=FlowersIntraPhaseFull, g=FlowersIntraPhaseSummary, m=FlowerMPsInterPhaseSummary, n=FlowerInfoInterPhaseSummary. See the Output log file formats section below for further information.
log-update-period m_iLogUpdatePeriod int Number of model steps between each update of intra-phase logs
log-inter-gen-update-period m_iLogInterGenUpdatePeriod int Number of generations between each update of inter-phase logs
log-dir m_strLogDir std::string Directory name for logging output during a run
log-final-dir m_strLogFinalDir std::string Directory to which to move all log files at end of run (if blank, files are kept in m_strLogDir)
log-run-name m_strLogRunName std::string Run name to be used as prefix for log filenames
use-log-threads m_bUseLogThreads bool Use a separate thread for writing log files?
verbose m_bVerbose bool Should progress messages be printed on stdout?
sim-termination-num-gens m_iSimTerminationNumGens int Terminate run after this number of generations
generation-termination-type m_GenTerminationType GenTerminationType Method used to define termination criterion for a generation. Allowed values: num-sim-steps, num-pollinator-steps, pollinated-fraction, pollinated-fraction-all, pollinated-fraction-species1.
generation-termination-param m_iGenTerminationParam or m_fGenTerminationParam int or float Parameter associated with m_GenTerminationType (type of param depends on value of generation-termination-type)
colour-system m_ColourSystem ColourSystem Determines whether we are using regularly-spaced marker points to define the allowed flowers in this run (in which case the PlantType config sections can use the flower-reflectance-mp-init-min/max/step specs), or whether we are using an arbitrary (not necessarily regularly-spaced) set of dominant wavelengths (in which case the PlantType config sections must use the flower-vis-data-id spec to refer to a specific entry in the Pollinator vis-data array). Allowed values: regular-marker-points, arbitrary-dominant-wavelengths. Default value is regular-marker-points. When regular-marker-points is specified, the vis-data array must be in the 6-value configuration, and when arbitrary-dominant-wavelengths is specified, the vis-data array must be in the 10-value configuration. See the vis-data entry in the Pollinator configuration section for further details.
auto-distribs m_bPtdAutoDistribs bool Use auto-generation tool for Plant Type Distributions?
auto-distrib-num-rows m_iPtdAutoDistribNumRows int PlantTypeDistribution auto-generation number of rows of areas to generate
auto-distrib-num-cols m_iPtdAutoDistribNumCols int PlantTypeDistribution auto-generation number of columns of areas to generate
auto-distrib-equal-nums m_bPtdAutoDistribEqualNums bool If true, allocates an equal number of patches to all defined plant types, leaving any remaining patches in the environment empty. If false, all patches are filled, so some plant types may get one more patch than others.
auto-distrib-density m_fPtdAutoDistribDensity float PlantTypeDistribution auto-generation density of plants in each area
auto-distrib-area-margin m_fPtdAutoDistribAreaMargin float PlantTypeDistribution auto-generation margin without flowers in each area (expressed in percentage of area’s smaller side length)
auto-distrib-regular m_bPtdAutoDistribRegular bool Are the patches distributed in a regular or stochastic pattern?
auto-distrib-seed-outflow-allowed m_bPtdAutoDistribSeedOutflowAllowed bool Defines whether seed-outflow-allowed is set true or false for the automatically generated patches.
random-intro m_bPtdRandomIntro bool Specifies whether to randomly introduce new plant species as the run proceeds. If true then a single patch of new plants of a randomly chosen species from all those listed in the configuration file is introduced every random-intro-ongoing-period generations. Specifically, a hexagon sector bin is chosen at uniform random, and a species that belongs in that bin is picked at uniform random from all species in that bin. Also, note that not all species listed in the configuration file are necessarily represented in the environment in generation 0; a maximum number of species for each hexagon sector bin in selected at random for gen 0, as determined by random-intro-init-num-species-per-bin. Note, the current implementation of this functionality assumes that colour-system = arbitrary-dominant-wavelengths and that there are no refuges or no-go areas specified in the environment. Default: false.
random-intro-init-num-species-per-bin m_iPtdRandomIntroInitNumSpeciesPerBin int If random-intro = true, only a selection of all the flower species listed in the configuration file are picked to be represented in the environment at generation 0. A certain number of species from each hexagon sector bin are selected at random, determined by this parameter. Each bin is 10 degrees wide, so bin 0 represents the hexagon sector from 0 to 10 degrees in hexagon space, and bin 35 is from 350 to 360 degrees.
random-intro-ongoing-period m_iPtdRandomIntroOngoingPeriod int If random-intro = true, this parameter defines the period (number of generations)at which new species are introduced. Default: 1.
random-intro-ongoing-patch-density m_fPtdRandomIntroOngoingPatchDensity float If random-intro = true, this parameter defines the density of new flowers of the selected species introduced into the selected area of the environment. The least populated area of the current environment is chosen for the placement of the new flowers, and the area size is defined by the parameter random-intro-ongoing-patch-square-length.
random-intro-ongoing-patch-square-length m_iPtdRandomIntroOngoingPatchSquareLength int If random-intro = true, this is the length of the size of the square area into which new plants are introduced on a regular basis throughout the run. See also random-intro-ongoing-patch-density.
rng-seed m_strRngSeed std::string Seed string used to seed RNG. This is specified as an alphanumeric string of arbitrary length, composed of digits, uppercase letters and lowercase letters.

Hive configuration parameters

Hive configuration parameters for a single hive are stored in an instance of the HiveConfig structure, defined in source file HiveConfig.h. These are stored in the ModelParams member m_Hives.

Parameter name in JSON config file Corresponding variable name in HiveConfig.h Type of variable Description
pollinator-type type std::string Pollinator type
pollinator-number num int Number of pollinators
start-from-hive startFromHive bool Do all pollinators start at hive, or from random pos in initial foraging area?
pos-x, pos-y position fPos (Position<float>) Position of the hive
area-top-left-x, area-top-left-y areaTopLeft iPos (Position<int>) Top-left corner of initial foraging area
area-bottom-right-x, area-bottom-right-y areaBottomRight iPos (Position<int>) Bottom-right corner of initial foraging area
migration-allowed migrationAllowed bool Are pollinators allowed to move outside initial foraging area?
migration-restricted migrationRestricted bool If migration allowed, is its probability restricted at all?
migration-prob migrationProb float If migration allowed and restricted, and pollinator tries to leave initial foraging area, it succeeds with this prob, else it is reflected back into initial area

Pollinator configuration parameters

Pollinator configuration parameters for a single pollinator species are stored in an instance of the PollinatorConfig structure, defined in source file PollinatorConfig.h. These are stored in the ModelParams member m_PollinatorConfigs.

Parameter name in JSON config file Corresponding variable name in PollinatorConfig.h Type of variable Description
species species std::string Text label designating species of pollinator (any text is allowed)
bout-length boutLength int Number of flower visits allowed before returning to hive [0=unlimited]
step-type strStepType std::string Determines how a pollinator moves if/when it decides to move in a given step of a foraging run. For value ‘constant’ it will always attempt to move a constant distance in a uniform random direction with distance defined by the parameter step-length. For value ‘levy’ it will attempt to move by a distance determined by a standard Cauchy distribution (which provides an inverse-square law tail) in a uniform random direction, with a minimum step of 0.5 units and maximum of 20.0 units (these limits are modified by the step-length parameter which is used as a multiplier, so, e.g. step-length=0.5 gives a minimum step length of 0.25 and a maximum step length of 10.0 units). In all cases, if the attempted move would take the pollinator out of its allowed foraging area, the attempted movement is reflected back into the allowed area. Allowed values: constant, levy
step-length stepLength float For step-type=constant, step-length determines the length of a single step of the pollinator’s flight during foraging
max-pollen-capacity maxPollenCapacity int Maximum amount of pollen the pollinator can carry
pollen-deposit-per-flower-visit pollenDepositPerFlowerVisit int Amount of pollen deposited on a flower on each visit
pollen-loss-in-air pollenLossInAir int Amount of pollen lost on each timestep when flying
pollen-carryover-num-visits pollenCarryoverNumVisits int After collecting a grain of pollen from a flower, the pollinator can visit this number of subsequent flowers to potentially deposit it. If the pollen is still not deposited after this number of visits, it is removed from the pollinator (i.e. it is lost). A value of 0 indicates no limit in number of visits.
constancy-type strConstancyType std::string Defines the pollinator’s constancy behaviour while foraging (NB ‘simple’=if sees a flower of same species as last visited, land with probablity 0.9, if its a different species, land with probability (1.0-constancy-param). ‘visual’=utilise the pollinator’s full visual system and learning strategies for deciding which flowers to visit - this option should be used in conjunction with foraging-strategy=’nearest-flower’). Allowed values: none, simple, visual
constancy-param constancyParam float If constancy-type=simple, constancy-param is a number between 0.0 and 1.0. In this case, when the pollinator sees a flower of the same species it has landed on before, it lands on it with probability 0.9. If it is of a different species, it lands on it with probability (1.0-constancy-param).
innate-preference-type strInnatePrefType std::string Specifies the pollinators’ innate preferences. This parameter is used when colour-system = “arbitrary-dominant-wavelengths” and learning-strategy = “stay-innate”. Allowed values: giurfa (default), hoverfly, flat, preset. With “flat”, all wavelengths are given the same relative preference. With “preset”, the preset target flower specified by the parameter innate-pref-preset-target-vis-data-id is given 100% preference and all other flowers are given 0 preference.
innate-pref-preset-target-vis-data-id presetPrefVisDataID int Used to specify the target flower when innate-preference-type = “preset”.
foraging-strategy strForagingStrategy std::string Defines how the pollinator forages (NB for foraging using visual system, foraging-strategy must be ‘nearest-flower’ and constancy-type must be ‘visual’). Allowed values: random, nearest-flower, random-flower, random-global
learning-strategy strLearningStrategy std::string Defines how the pollinator learns from experience (NB for this parameter to have effect, foraging-strategy must be ‘nearest-flower’ and constancy-type must be ‘visual’). Allowed values: stay, stay-rnd, stay-innate, fickle-circumspect, deliberative-decisive, none. For ‘stay’, pollinator sets target to the first flower it lands on from which it receives a reward, and keeps it for the rest of the bout. For ‘stay-rnd’, pollinator is assigned a marker point at uniform random (picked from all MPs defined in the vis-data section) at start of foraging bout and keeps it for the whole bout. ‘stay-innate’ is like ‘stay-rnd’ except the initial random allocation is weighted according to innate preference data specified by the parameter innate-preference-type. For ‘none’, pollinator never sets a target so effectively may land with equal probability on any flower it sees (use in conjunction with a high value for vis-prob-land-no-target-set-delta).
visited-flower-memory-size visitedFlowerMemorySize unsigned int The maximum number of recently visited flowers that the pollinator can remember. This may affect whether or not it re-lands on a given flower, depending upon its foraging strategy.
nectar-collect-per-flower-visit nectarCollectPerFlowerVisit int Amount of nectar the pollinator attempts to extract from a flower on a single visit.
vis-data visData 6xN array or 10xN array This array holds the data that specifies how the pollinator’s visual system responds to a defined set of stimuli. In the JSON config file it takes the form of a 6xN array or a 10xN array, depending on whether the colour-system parameter is set to regular-marker-points or arbitrary-dominant-wavelengths, respectively. In the 6xN case, each row contains 6 numbers representing (1) Marker Point of stimulus (int); (2) Pollinator’s probability of detecting this marker point (float in range 0.0 to 1.0); (3) Activation value of pollinator’s Green receptor for this marker point (float in range 0.0 to 1.0); (4) X coordinate of this marker point in hexagon colour space (float); (5) Y coordinate of this marker point in hexagon colour space (float); (6) the pollinator’s base innate probability of landing on this marker point when it is not the target marker point (float in range 0.0 to 1.0) [but see also vis-prob-land-nontarget-indiv-stddev]. In the 10xN case, each row contains 10 numbers representing (1) A unique ID for this stimulus, as used by the flower-vis-data-id param of the PlantType configurations (int); (2) Dominant wavelength of this stimulus (int); (3) Pollinator’s probability of detecting this stimulus (float in range 0.0 to 1.0); (4) Activation value of pollinator’s Green receptor for this stimulus (float in range 0.0 to 1.0); (5) X coordinate of this stimulus in hexagon colour space (float); (6) Y coordinate of this stimulus in hexagon colour space (float); (7) X coordinate of the point where the projection of this stimulus in hex space intersects the pure spectral line (float); (8) Y coordinate of the point where the projection of this stimulus in hex space intersects the pure spectral line (float); (9) the pollinator’s base innate probability of landing on this marker point when it is not the target marker point (float in range 0.0 to 1.0) [but see also vis-prob-land-nontarget-indiv-stddev]; (10) An auxiliary ID for this entry, used only for further identification purposes in output logs (e.g. this could be the FReD ID of the stimulus) (int)
vis-base-prob-land-target visBaseProbLandTarget float Pollinator’s base probability of landing on a target flower. (default: 0.9)
vis-prob-land-no-target-set-delta visProbLandNoTargetSetDelta float If pollinator currently has no target, its innate probability of landing on a given marker point is increased by this amount. (default: 0.2)
vis-prob-land-nontarget-indiv-stddev visProbLandNonTargetIndivStdDev float Each pollinator’s innate probability of landing on a given (non-target) marker point has an element of stochasticity as determined by this parameter, which defines the standard deviation around the base value defined in the corresponding vis-data row. (default: 0.01)
vis-prob-land-increment-on-reward visProbLandIncrementOnReward float Learning algorithm parameter for increase in probability of landing on a marker point if the current flower is rewarding. (default: 0.01)
vis-prob-land-decrement-on-no-reward visProbLandDecrementOnNoReward float Learning algorithm parameter for decrease in probability of landing on a marker point if the current flower is not rewarding. (default: 0.01)
vis-prob-land-decrement-on-unseen visProbLandDecrementOnUnseen float Learning algorithm parameter for decrease in probability of landing on a marker point if no flower with the marker point is currently in the pollinator’s list of recently visited flowers. (default: 0.005) [see also visited-flower-memory-size]
vis-target-exact-match-only visTargetExactMatchOnly bool If true, this overrides the normal visual discrimination code and will only match a stimulus with the target if they share the exact same marker point.
vis-match-min-hex-distance visMatchMinHexDistance float Defines the left end of the slope on the hex colour distance axis of the piecewise linear discrimination function, such that any stimulus that is this near or nearer from the pollinator’s current target stimulus will be given a confidence-of-match defined by vis-match-max-confidence. (default: 0.05)
vis-match-max-confidence visMatchMaxConfidence float The maximum confidence-of-match associated with stimuli that are very close in hex colour space to the pollinator’s current target. (default: 0.95)
vis-match-max-hex-distance visMatchMaxHexDistance float Defines the right end of the slope on the hex colour distance axis of the piecewise linear discrimination function, such that any stimulus that is this far or further away from the pollinator’s current target stimulus will be given a confidence-of-match defined by vis-match-min-confidence. (default: 0.19)
vis-match-min-confidence visMatchMinConfidence float The minimum confidence-of-match associated with stimuli that are very far in hex colour space from the pollinator’s current target. (default:0.05)

Plant Type configuration parameters

Plant Type configuration parameters for a single plant type are stored in an instance of the PlantTypeConfig structure, defined in source file PlantTypeConfig.h. These are stored in the ModelParams member m_PlantTypes.

Parameter name in JSON config file Corresponding variable name in PlantTypeConfig.h Type of variable Description
species species std::string Text label designating species of plant (any text is allowed)
flower-vis-data-id flowerVisDataID int Links this plant type to visual data stored in the vis-data array in the entry with the specified ID (the first field in the vis-data entry). This parameter is required when colour-system=arbitrary-dominant-wavelengths (and is ignored otherwise).
flower-reflectance-mp-init-min flowerMPInitMin MarkerPoint Newly created flowers of this type are randomly assigned a marker point in the range flowerMPInitMin to flowerMPInitMax with step size flowerMPInitStep within this range. This parameter (along with the corresponding -max and -step parameters) is required when colour-system=regular-marker-points (and is ignored otherwise).
flower-reflectance-mp-init-max flowerMPInitMax MarkerPoint See flowerMPInitMin
flower-reflectance-mp-init-step flowerMPInitStep MarkerPoint See flowerMPInitMin. Default value is 10.
diff-mp-is-diff-species diffMPIsDiffSpecies bool If true and flowerMPInitMax != flowerMPInitMin, then plants with different flower marker points generated from this configuration are treated as different species. In this case, each individual species is given a name “PlantSpeciesNNN” (where NNN is the wavelength of the marker point) - this naming scheme overrides anything specified in the “species” field in the Plant Type configuration.
anther-init-pollen antherInitPollen int Amount of pollen available on anther at the start of each foraging phase
anther-pollen-transfer-per-visit antherPollenTransferPerVisit int Number of pollen grains deposited on a pollinator per visit
stigma-max-pollen-capacity stigmaMaxPollenCapacity int Maximum amount of pollen the stigma can carry
pollen-clogging pollenCloggingSpecies std::string Allowed values: empty string (does not clog any other species), “all” (clogs all other species), or a comma separated list of the names of the plant species that this species clogs
init-nectar initNectar int Initial amount of nectar available in a new flower.
diff-mp-is-diff-species diffMPIsDiffSpecies bool if true and flowerMPInitMin != flowerMPInitMax, plants created with different marker points are treated as different species (default=false)
repro-seed-dispersal-global reproSeedDispersalGlobal bool Can seeds be dispersed at random across the whole environment?
repro-seed-dispersal-radius-stddev reproSeedDispersalRadiusStdDev float The standard deviation of see dispersal around the parent plant, expressed in env units (1.0=one patch), ignored if reproSeedDispersalGlobal=true.

Plant Distribution configuration parameters

Plant distribution configuration parameters for a specified plant type in a specified region of the environment are stored in an instance of the PlantTypeDistributionConfig structure, defined in source file PlantTypeDistributionConfig.h. These are stored in the ModelParams member m_PlantDists.

Parameter name in JSON config file Corresponding variable name in PlantTypeDistributionConfig.h Type of variable Description
species species std::string Name of the plant species, or one of the following: “any” or “nogo”. If set to “any”, then each plant in the distribution is of a randomly chosen species from all species specified in the PlantTypes section. If set to “nogo”, then this is a “no go” area in which neither plants nor pollinators may be placed. For “nogo” areas, the only other parameters that need to be specified in the PlantTypeDistribution section are the top/left and bottom/right coordinates of the area.
area-top-left-x, area-top-left-y areaTopLeft iPos (Position<int>) Top-left corner of initial distribution area
area-bottom-right-x, area-bottom-right-y areaBottomRight iPos (Position<int>) Bottom-right corner of initial distribution area
density density float Density of initial distribution (wrt specified distrib area)
refuge refuge bool Is this area a refuge for this plant species?
refuge-alien-inflow-prob refugeAlienInflowProb float If this is a refuge, what is the probability that an alien species attempting to germinate in this area will do so successfully?
seed-outflow-allowed seedOutflowAllowed bool Can the plants germinate outside of the initial distrib area?
seed-outflow-restricted seedOutflowRestricted bool If seedOutflowAllowed, is it restricted?
seed-outflow-prob seedOutflowProb float If seedOutflowAllowed and seedOutflowRestricted, what is the probability that they are successful if attempting to do so?
repro-local-density-constrained reproLocalDensityConstrained bool During reproduction, is the maximum density of plants in this local area constrained?
repro-local-density-max reproLocalDensityMax float If reproLocalDensityConstrained, this is the maximum allowed density

Output log file formats

The format of the output log files is described here.