
EvoBee installation and compilation

External dependencies

To compile evobee from source, you will need the following libraries (including header files) installed on your system:

To build EvoBee

The following instructions are for the Linux command line. Adapt as appropriate according to your OS.

From the evobee base directory:

> cd build
> cmake ..
> make

If all worked well, the evobee executable file should now be found in the build directory.

Note for Linux users: should you ever need to do a completely fresh build of the system, there is a bash script named clean in the build folder, which can be run before repeating the steps listed above.

To compile the documentation

Should you need to recompile the Doxygen auto-generated code documentation, run the following command from the evobee base directory:

> doxygen doxygen.cfg

The generated code documentation can be found in the docs/html folder of the evobee base directory.